How to get the Discord Holders Role

Attack on Titan: Legacy
Attack on Titan: Legacy
2 min readNov 1, 2022


Upon request, we’ve added a channel in our Discord that can only be accessed by those who have the role “Children of Ymir (Holder)”. You can claim this role if you fulfill the following conditions:
・You have an AoTLegacy account.
・You have at least 1 Moment in your account right now.

If you fulfill the above, here’s a tutorial on how to claim the role!

First, log into your AoTLegacy account and go to the Settings page.

Next, go to your Account settings.

From there, scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see a button that says “Connect With Discord.” Click that button!

This should take you to a page where you just have to authorize the AoTLegacy Connect bot to give you the Holder role.

And you’re done! Easy peasy.

Just to note, your AoTLegacy account can only be connected to one Discord account at a time.

If you want to claim the Holder role on a different Discord account, simply repeat the above process while signed into your other Discord account. You’ll be able to claim the Holder role on your new Discord account, but the role will disappear from your original Discord account.

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